Monday 2 May 2011

In order to go deeper to the design, i have understandings on what parasite and parasitism are. From the dictionary, i found different meanings of parasite and parasitism. Moreover, from the meanings i tried to connect it to the site.

Parasite as we know, is a living organism that obtain nutriments from the host. In this case, HSW as the axis that connects Kangaroo Point, Fortitude Valley, New Farm, Spring hill and the CBD. This is a very potential area to invite people from 5 different areas, into one strong community. Finally, an intimate association between organisms can be considered as Parasitism. As example, story bridge can be the area of parasitism, because it connects people from Kangaroo Point to other areas and simultaneously related to each other. By the understanding of access from Story bridge, HSW can be stated as the area of parasitism, and see the story bridge as the host.
This condition is known as metapopulation, all the parasites of one species in a host population ( The areas around the HSW can be seen as host population, while the parasite or the organism can be the initial design of the building (sport center).

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