Wednesday 6 April 2011

Ninja Equation!

The first equation is the understanding of Metz Centre Pampidou by Shigeru Ban, I believed it represents my idea about parasite. Parasite always means taking nutrient from host, in architectural way i believed that parasite is the condition where basic volume of space like cube, being covered and wrapped, just like our shirt.

The second equation is the Sweden’s Sweeping Green Roofed Hillside City by Kjellgren Kaminsy Architects, there is certain pattern that used by the complex, which i prefer as water waves, and filled with space that looks like guitar shape. It is very interesting to see green roof where people can move around the area, putting greenery is one of the way to fit the natural context of an area.

The third ecuation is performing arts center  designed by Zaha Hadid. I found that organic forms can give interesting space which covered by steel and glass.

From those three equations, helped me to choose that my design can explore below or above the ground. Applied for my sport centre proposal, I can put up football field below the ground and let people to move around above the field. Thus, this equations give extended idea on how my building would work.

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