Wednesday 20 April 2011


From the diagrams below, I presents the demographic chart of areas around the HSW site and sports center location map.

The first diagram started with the demographic of the area around the site. From the diagram, the average age of people that live in the area 32 years old with most of the popularity with 53.9% is between 20-39. This is considered that the areas are having major proportion on productive ages. From that fact, I am trying to see the connection between the ages and charts of most popular sports in Australia. Moreover, from three samples of men, women and children, I decided to let men's number as the first consideration while women and children became the second and third consideration. After that, I picked three Australia's favourite sports. The first one I took soccer, because soccer number's become the highest amongst other. The second one I took, basketball, i planned to take basketball because it considered as moderate favourite sport for the Australians. For the last one I took athletic/track sports, because it became the lowest favorite of them all. I picked those three because, I want the sport center proposal is widely used by other people, it can have effect on increasing probably basketball and athletics number. Not only as the provider of activities, but also increasing awareness of other kind of sports.

From building typology, there will be indoor and outdoor area.Outdoor area will be provided for activities that needs to be done outside the roof, soccer, footy and rugby can possibly played at outdoor area, while indoor area can be provided for basketball, athletics, netball, footsal and badminton. For tracks, I consider 3D jogging track which is more likely interesting rather than flat one.

The second diagram, shows the radius of compilation of sport centers at the area. They are mostly outside the suburbs and distantly only near from certain suburb. For the sport center, I wanted people at the radius of 100-1000m from HSW to come to the space. It will connect people around HSW, thus people from other suburbs can blend in to the area. This is considered important as its position of HSW which is at the heart of the city.

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